Rough Coat
1. The wall should be rough, clean and soaked with water for application.
If the wall is not stone or brick a lath should be attached.
2. Using a trowel throw the rough coat onto the wall as a plasterer would do.
“Throwing” it on in this manner forces it into adherence with the surface of the wall.
3. Apply to a thickness of about ¼ to ½ inch, level off but do not make it too smooth,
scratch a pattern into the surface to provide a “key” for the next layer. A metal comb may
be used for this.
4. Allow to set.
Brown Coat
1. Apply to the rough coat when it has set (damp with out visible water.)
If the wall has dried out soak it and continue when it is just damp.
2. Apply brown coat with trowel to even coat about ½ inch thick.
3. Set and scratch in key.
Sand Coat
1. Soak brown coat if dry apply sand coat when damp.
2. Apply with trowel to smooth ½ inch layer.
3. Using float refine surface.
4. Underdrawing of the mural may be applied to dry sand coat.
Paint Coat
I. Apply a thin layer (1/4 inch) of the paint coat only to an area which can be painted in one sitting.
The surface can be refined with a metal float if desired
2. Wet the area to be worked on apply paint coat with trowel.
The paint coat should sit for about an hour until it has set a bit so that the brush will not cut into it.
Test it by pressing lightly with a finger it should not dent easily.
3. the underdrawing will be lost but the surrounding sand coat drawing is used to orient the painter.
A cartoon can be made in advance and the drawing re-applied to the paint layer by pouncing dry pigment
through pricked holes.
4. Pigment dispersed in water may be applied by brush. Let it sink in and set before over-painting.
Work in simple, broad strokes. Do not attempt to blend on the surface or brush back and forth.
5. Once the plaster begins to dry painting must stop. Remove any unpainted paint coat with a trowel
leaving the edge angled and scored. It is a good idea to work the edge around a part of the image to
camouflage it in the finished work.
6. Resume work by wetting the desired area and applying more paint coat with trowel and smoothing
with float to match previous days surface. Continue work as before.
NOTE: Paint dries lighter and the surface will be white when it dries though it is grey while wet.
SECCO Paint applied to a dry fresco is known as secco. This is not permanent in the manner of fresco.
Paint made with lime water (diluted lime putty) is the preferable choice.